Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Upcoming Tour of Jefferson Davis Sites

Bertram Hayes-Davis, a good friend of the First White House of the Confederacy, who is the great-great grandson of Jefferson Davis, and his lovely wife Carol, are leading an exclusive tour of Jefferson Davis sites along the Mississippi River aboard the American Queen Steamboat, December 12-20, 2014.

The trip begins in New Orleans with a tour of Davis sites in the Crescent City before boarding. The Boat will stop first at St. Francisville, La. with a visit to Rosemont Plantation, Jefferson Davis's boyhood home, and Locust Grove cemetery, the grave of his first wife.

Next will be Natchez, which will offer a visit to the Briars, where Jefferson and Varina married
After Natchez, will be Vicksburg, and this includes an opportunity to participate in both Davis and Ulysses S. Grant events. There will be a seminar in the Old Courthouse Museum and a reception at Anchuca, one of the most significant antebellum homes in the South.

Baton Rouge will feature a talk by Jefferson Davis biographer, William Cooper and a presentation from the Papers of Jefferson Davis, LSU Press with a reception at the Capitol State Museum

Other venues will be Plantation Road and Oak Alley, Louisiana's magnificent plantation homes. Won't that be a fun way to experience Christmas?

There is a limited availability of only 50 cabins, making this an intimate and historic experience, so if you want to go, sign up now. The trip will support the efforts of the Beauvoir Foundation. For more information contact beauvoirfoundation.org or email president@beauvoirfoundation.org

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