Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Confederate Music, "Notes I Still Hear"

The Cradle of the Confederacy Chapter of the United Daughters of the Confederacy, Montgomery Alabama,  has published a CD and songbook of Confederate Music. It is titled very appropriately, "Notes I Still Hear"and was written and published by the music book committee, Sue Jaworowski and Mae Manning. Lovely Leslie Kirk's photo is on the front of the CD.
The CD, is  by Phillip Davis and "Tiffy" MacIntosh, and has 20 songs from the period. The songbook includes the lyrics and music and  a description of each song. For example, the State song of Alabama titled "Alabama" was written by Julia Tutwiler, who  thought the people of Alabama needed inspiration after the War. She wrote this song for that purpose in 1868 or 1869 as a gift to the people of Alabama.
I learned it by heart as a little girl in school. The first stanza goes "Alabama, Alabama, we will aye be true to thee, From thy Southern shores where groweth By the sea thy orange tree. To the Northern vale where floweth Deep and blue thy Tennessee - Alabama, Alabama, we will aye be true to thee"! Our UDC chapter sings it along with Dixie, How Firm A Foundation and the Star S[angled Banner to begin each meeting.

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